Fatehabad :On 20.11.2024, the Air Quality Management Commission reviewed the crop residue management with the Deputy Commissioners of all the districts through video conference and issued necessary directions to prevent incidents of paddy straw burning. In this regard. Last three years (2021,2022,2023), total AFL of District Fatehabadreceived through HARSACwere 1381,735,506 respectively&whereas in current year till date total 117 HARSAC locations have been reported in district Fatehabad. In 2023 there are 33 villages in Red Zone and 76 villages in Yellow/Orange Zone but till now Zero village reported in Red Zone (>=6 AFL) and 29 villages reported inYellow/Orange Zone (2 to 5 AFL).
Deputy Commissioner, Fatehabad Smt. MandeepKaursaid that there has been 28.48% reduction in AFL in year 2021, 48.14% reduction in AFL in year 2022, 24.50% reduction in AFL in year 2023 and a significant reductionof 76.86% in the incidents of straw burning this year.The IEC activities organized by District Administration at village level and a total 371 Village Level Awareness Camp were organized, 33 in Red Zone Villages and 76 in Yellow Zone Villages and 262 other villages Awareness Camp have been organized till date.85 School level activities were organized in Govt. Schools of District Fatehabad.Total 4 District Level Camp were organized out of which 1 in Village Pirthala Tehsil Tohana on dated 04-09-2024, 1 in Village Bosti Block Bhuna on dated 18-09-2024 by Root Foundation in coordination with Agriculture Department, 1 in village Bhunderwas Block Ratia on dated 24-10-2024 and 1 in Village DhaniDult Block Bhuna on dated 25-10-2024 by CII Foundation in coordination with Agriculture Department. Live Demonstration of CRM implements were organized in all above camps.15 Fire brigades also deputed at block level teams to extinguish of fire on spot.
Two Parchar vans is also be running in all paddy growing villages of district Fatehabad to educate farmers regarding ill effects of paddy straw burning. 3 Set of CRM Implements (Provided by Deloitte) are given to farmers to manage 4500 MT of Crop Residue on Custom Hiring Basis.13 TV programmes on DD-Kisan and other private channels (Social Media etc.) and regular covering in local newspaper.
The trend shows that the impact of awareness and incentive schemes is giving result. In year 2023 nearly 11.23 crore rupees incentive were given to farmers @ Rs.1000/- per acre for management of Paddy straw through In-Situ & Ex-Situ & Rs. 3.69 Lakh was also given to Gaushalas for transportation charges for Paddy straw to be used as fodder for cattle.
This hugedepletion is possible only due to the district Administrative guidance and strict action so far 54 FIR lodged & 54 Challan issued against the faulty farmers and 65 red entries made on portal. As a result of this, todays AQI of district Fatehabad is 85 while the AQI of adjoining district Sirsa is 317 & of Hisar is 327. Deputy Commissioner Fatehabad informed that under Crop Residue Management, teams are deputed at village level/block level/sub division level, which include Sub Divisional Officer (Civil), Revenue Department, Panchayat Department, Agriculture Department and Police Department all officers/employees. Allthe teams remain in the fields to make farmers aware regarding ill effect of Crop Residue Burning and managing it through Ex-Situ and In-Situ &taking advantage of the schemes being given by the State government.
Deputy Commissioner Fatehabad Smt. MandeepKaurinformed that if any person found involved in stubble burning, then inform to the control room established at O/o Deputy Director Agriculture, Fatehabad at landline number 01667-231122 located in the Agriculture Department. Apart from this, complaints can also be registered on the telephone numbers of Pollution Control Board Fatehabad 9416380947, 9050513860. The Deputy Commissioner directed all the teams to remain stationed in the field at all times and to make announcements in all the villages through temples/gurudwaras and in villages where the location of arson is received through a complaint or complaint, action should be taken against the arsonist as per the directions of the Hon’ble NGT. A total of 4390 implements/machines for management of Paddy straw is also provided to individual farmers on subsidy from year 2019-20 to 2023-24 & in this year 961 individualimplements were given to farmers. In addition of this a total of 2193 implements/machines for management of Paddy straw is also provided through Custom Hiring Centre on subsidy from year 2019-20 to 2022-23.
In this regard, the Deputy Commissioner has appealed to the farmers not to set fire to the paddy straw as it not only pollutes the environment but also destroys the friendly insects and other beneficial microbe present in the soil which help in increasing the fertility of the soil. Deputy Commissioner Fatehabad appealed to the farmers to make bundles of paddy straw in their fields and store it in cowshed, power plant and panchayat land and avail the benefit of Rs. 1000 per acre under the scheme being run by the government. So far 14473 farmers have registered on the said portal for 132207.10 acres. The said incentive of Rs. 1000/- per acre will be given by the government to only those farmers who will register themselves on the portal of the Farmers Department agriharyanacrm.com.
Farmers of District Fatehabad doing excellent work in Crop Residue Management are 1-SurajBhanSihag, Village Hassanga recently facilitated by Hon’ble Governor of Haryana and also in this season also facilitated byHon’ble Governor of Gujrat, 2- Ramesh Chauhan, Village Maghawali also facilitated by many organizations like CII Foundation, District Administration& others organization, 3- Harvinder Singh Lali, Village Chuharpurdoing excellent work in In-Situ & Ex-Situ.
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