New Delhi : The Election Commission of India (ECI) has taken serious notice of a post by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Haryana on the social media platform X, which features a child in a campaign video. The Chief Electoral Officer of Haryana has issued a show cause notice to the state BJP President, Mohan Lal Badoli, demanding immediate corrective action. The BJP has been asked to provide a response by 6 PM today.
The ECI guidelines explicitly state that no child should be involved in the election process, whether directly or indirectly, by political parties or election officials. This directive is part of the ECI’s efforts to uphold ethical standards in the conduct of elections, ensuring that children are not exploited for political purposes.
The video in question has sparked criticism from various quarters, with many urging the BJP to remove the content and apologize for the lapse. The use of children in political campaigns can be seen as a violation of both ethical norms and legal guidelines, prompting the ECI to intervene promptly.
In its notice, the ECI has emphasized the importance of adhering to its guidelines and maintaining the sanctity of the electoral process. It is not uncommon for the Commission to issue such notices when its rules are breached, and the response of the BJP to this notice will be closely watched. The party’s compliance with the directive will also be seen as a measure of its commitment to upholding electoral integrity.
As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen what actions the BJP will take in response to the notice. This incident serves as a reminder of the stringent regulations governing the conduct of political parties during elections and the role of the ECI in enforcing these rules to ensure fair and ethical campaigning practices. The use of social media by political parties has come under increased scrutiny in recent years, and this case highlights the potential pitfalls of digital campaigning, especially when it involves vulnerable groups like children.
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