Gorakhpur 8 September 2024 : On Sunday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath called on officials to ensure a transparent and equitable resolution of public grievances, emphasizing the need for sensitivity and prompt action. These directives were conveyed during Adityanath’s Janata Darshan, held at the Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Bhawan Auditorium on the grounds of Gorakhnath Temple. In a statement issued from Lucknow, the Chief Minister remarked, “It is essential to guarantee a transparent and fair resolution of public grievances. Every concern must be approached with sensitivity, and swift, effective actions must be taken to ensure that no injustice occurs.” He added that any official found negligent in handling public matters would face strict consequences. During the Janata Darshan, Adityanath engaged with approximately 400 attendees, listening attentively to their complaints and gathering their applications. He reiterated the government’s commitment to addressing each issue raised, instructing the present officials to ensure timely resolution of all grievances.
In addressing public safety, the Chief Minister directed police officials to take decisive action against criminal activities. He specifically highlighted the need for legal repercussions for those involved in illegal land grabs and the displacement of vulnerable populations. “We must ensure that those who exploit others face strict legal consequences,” he asserted. Adityanath also extended his support to individuals seeking financial assistance for severe medical treatments, assuring them that no medical care would be impeded due to a lack of funds. He instructed the administration to prepare prompt estimates for advanced medical treatments, facilitating the swift release of necessary funds.
After fulfilling his official duties, Adityanath followed his customary routine at Gorakhnath Temple. He offered prayers to Guru Gorakhnath and paid homage at the samadhi of his guru, the late Mahant Avedyanath. Following this, he visited the Gaushala, where he spent quality time with the cows, even feeding them jaggery. This initiative reflects Adityanath’s ongoing commitment to public service and the importance he places on addressing the concerns of the citizens. By facilitating direct interaction between the government and the public, he aims to enhance transparency and accountability in governance, ensuring that the voices of the people are heard and acted upon effectively.
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