Faridabad, January 13, 2025– On the auspicious occasion of Lohri, January 13, 2025, the directors, Mr. Satish Parnami, Mr. R.K. Chilana, Mr. Vishal Parnami, and Mr. Sachin Chilana, along with Tata Hitachi’s Zonal Head, Mr. Amardeep Chauhan, and Branch Manager, Mr. Nishant Choudhary, extended their heartfelt greetings to the employees. They were joined by Dhruv Khosla, Balram Ghimire, Bharat, Rakesh Bhati, Sunny Grover, Arvind Tyagi, Ravindra Singh, Puneet Rehlan, Shrikant, and Shubham Arora. They conveyed wishes for fostering the spirit of love and harmony and keeping life joyful always.
On this occasion, Mr. R.K. Chilana wished for the bright and prosperous future of all employees and their families.
The Lohri festival was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm at the headquarters of TIME Equipment Private Limited (Tata Hitachi) in NIT Faridabad. Employees, including Soni Yadav, Sarita Sahani, Akanksha, Rajwinder Kaur, Shivangi, Narendra Thakur, Karuna Sagar, Suman, Rahul Verma, Anjali, Varsha Sauraut, Amresh, Vikas Gautam, Karuna Sagar, Narendra, Renu, Poornima, Sohanlal Kalra, and others, participated in the celebration. The event featured vibrant Bhangra performances and music, followed by the distribution of peanuts, sesame candy, and sweets.
It was a joyful and memorable day for everyone.
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