Kanpur, August 17 2024 : In the early hours of Saturday, 17 August, the Ahmedabad-bound Sabarmati Express derailed near Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, after the train’s engine struck an unidentified object placed on the track. The incident occurred around 2:35 a.m., leading to the derailment of 20 to 22 coaches. Fortunately, there have been no reports of injuries or casualties among the passengers or railway staff. Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw confirmed the incident in a post on X (formerly Twitter), stating, “The engine of Sabarmati Express (Varanasi to Ahmedabad) hit an object placed on the track and derailed near Kanpur at 02:35 am today. Sharp hit marks are observed. Evidence is protected. IB and UP police are also working on it. No injuries to passengers or staff.”
Following the derailment, Indian Railways promptly dispatched buses to the site to transport passengers back to Kanpur. Additionally, a new train was arranged to facilitate the onward journey of passengers to Ahmedabad. An eight-coach MEMU train was also deployed to assist in the evacuation process. The loco pilot of the train reported that a boulder struck the front portion of the engine, causing significant damage. Notably, the Patna-Indore train had crossed the same track without incident at 1:20 a.m., just over an hour before the Sabarmati Express derailed.
The derailment has led to the cancellation of seven trains and the diversion of three others, causing substantial disruptions to rail services in the region. The authorities are currently investigating the incident, with both the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and Uttar Pradesh police involved in the probe. Railway officials are working to restore normalcy to the affected routes, while the investigation seeks to determine whether the object was deliberately placed on the tracks. The incident has raised concerns over railway safety and prompted discussions on measures to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
As the investigation continues, the railway ministry has assured the public that all necessary steps are being taken to ensure the safety of passengers and the smooth operation of rail services in the affected area.
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