Kerala : Malayalam film director Ranjith has been booked by the Kochi Police following a complaint filed by Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra. The complaint, which was lodged on Monday, details an incident that occurred in 2009 when Mitra was in Kochi for discussions about a role in the movie Palerimanikkam, which Ranjith was directing.
According to the complaint, Mitra sent an email to the Kochi Police Commissioner recounting the alleged incident. She claimed that during the discussions, Ranjith acted inappropriately by ‘clutching’ her hand and attempting to touch other parts of her body with sexual intent. The complaint led to the registration of a case against Ranjith under Section 354 of the Indian Penal Code, which addresses assault or criminal force with intent to outrage modesty.
The case comes in the wake of Ranjith’s resignation as chairman of the Kerala State Chalachithra Academy, a position he held until just a day before the complaint was filed. The timing of his resignation has drawn additional attention to the matter.
IGP and Kochi City Police Commissioner S. Syamsundar confirmed to news agency ANI that a crime has been registered at the North Police Station. He stated, “We have received a complaint from the victim in the abuse case regarding Director Ranjith. A crime has been registered under Section 354, and the investigation will proceed as mandated by the special investigation team constituted by the government.”
The development has elicited a significant response from both the public and the film industry, with many expressing concern over the seriousness of the allegations. The special investigation team will be tasked with thoroughly examining the case and ensuring that justice is served.
As the investigation progresses, Ranjith faces scrutiny and potential legal consequences. The case highlights ongoing issues of accountability and misconduct within the film industry, emphasizing the importance of addressing and investigating such allegations with due diligence.
Sreelekha Mitra’s decision to come forward with her complaint after several years underscores the challenges faced by individuals in speaking out about such matters, particularly in an industry where power dynamics and reputations often play a significant role. The outcome of this case will be closely followed, as it may have broader implications for how allegations of sexual misconduct are handled in the Indian film industry.
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