New Delhi : The Shiromani Akali Dal’s Delhi unit has urged the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) to prevent the release of Kangana Ranaut’s upcoming film Emergency, which is set to premiere on September 6. The film, in which Ranaut portrays former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, has faced scrutiny from the party due to […]
New Delhi : Kangana Ranaut has made headlines once again with her strong criticism of the Bollywood industry, accusing it of harboring individuals who are “envious and venomous” because they have not had to work as hard as she has. Her remarks come in the wake of her promotion for her upcoming film Emergency, which […]
New Delhi : Kangana Ranaut, who stars in and directs the upcoming film “Emergency,” is facing serious threats ahead of the movie’s release on September 6. The film, which portrays the events during the Emergency imposed by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in India, has sparked controversy, particularly among some extremist Sikh groups. The threats […]